On a site "World of the collector" at the present moment the collection materials of the Ukrainian
collector Lubomira Shafrana from perfect Ukrainian city Kamenes-Podolsk are
submitted. "World of the collector" cooperates with it by way of
filling by materials of our resource. If you are interested in contact with
L. Shafranom the request to write to it on the post address: L. Shafran,
p.o. 225, Kamenes-Podolsk, Khmelnitskiy area, Ukraine, 32313. To this address
you can agree with it upon purchase collection materials from its
collection. He does not have constant access to a network, but there is an electronic address, on which you also can write, but the answer will reach probably not
earlier, than in some weeks.
On development of a site, cooperation, and also if
you have become interested in our materials from page www of the foreman,
it is necessary to you to address to our address.